Michaela discusses how your aura and energy specifically impacts your dating life. Michaela and Scott then read "Worst First Date Stories Ever" directly from the Mystic Michaela Spiritual Family. They end with a reenactment of a famous breakup in reality tv history.
Host: Mystic Michaela (https://www.mysticmichaela.com/)
Follow Mystic Michaela on her other social media channels: Instagram: @mysticmichaela Twitter: @MysticMichaela
And, join Mystic Michaela's Spiritual Family on Facebook! Or, have a more private question? Feel free to email me: TheMysticMichaela@gmail.com-----------------Production House: Flint Stone Media (http://flintstonemedia.com/) Copyright of Mystic Michaela LLC 2019
Love listening and thank you for my aura reading 🙏 sooo enlightening xoxo